Robot and App version 1.6.1
# Robot updates
- Improved battery surveillance
- Improves the method for reading the battery level.
# Plan updates
# American Football
- Yard numbers and direction arrows for compressed field
- Lower end cutoff
# American Football Practice Field
- Option to mark Extra Point (2 yards or 3 yards)
- Reverse route
- Re-routing of number lines to improve time efficiency
# Australian Football
- Paint between posts
# Baseball
- Fixed field
- General re-routing to reduce paint tracking
- Option to select between Efficiency and Quality
- Quality is default
- Set dimensions for pitcher's rubber
- Adjust position for on-deck circles
- Adjust width and height of batter´s boxes
- Offset beginning of outfield foul line
- Offset end of infield foul line
- Outfield Grass Line Arc
# Softball
- Fixed field
- General re-routing to reduce paint tracking
- Option to select between Efficiency and Quality
- Quality is default
- Set dimensions for pitcher's rubber
- Adjust position for on-deck circles
- Adjust width and height of batter´s boxes
- Offset beginning of outfield foul line
- Offset end of infield foul line
- Outfield Grass Line Arc
- L-shaped coaches´ boxes
# Custom Transit
- Create custom transit w. seperate plan
- Plan is located under "General"
# Custom Point Marker
- Option to mark custom points
- Plan is located under "General"
# Discus/Shotput
- Change of sector angle default value to 34.92 degrees
# Discus/Javelin/Shotput
- Option to use feet as unit
- Custom distances for arcs (lines across)
- Custom length of side lines
- Side lines only
# Flag Football
- Upper and lower cutoff
# Gaelic Football
- Paint between posts
# Lacrosse
- Lacrosse - Lower end cutoff
- Lacrosse Boys youth - Change radius of goal circles
- Lacrosse Boys youth - Change length of goal line
- Lacrosse Women´s - Option to not paint baseline for 12m arch
- Lacrosse Women´s - Distinguish between arc and line for 12 meter fan
- Lacrosse Unified - Option to mark the face off
# Rugby
- Lower and upper cutoff
- Rugby Touch
- Same as plan for Touch Football with a few extra options
# Soccer
- Change how outline is painted
- Solid
- Dashed
- Only corners
- Training lines
- horizontal large box extension
- horizontal 1/4
- horizontal 1/3
- Vertical outer
- Vertical inner
- Draw as dashed
- Custom insert training lines (horizontally and/or vertically)
- Adjustable center point for penalty arc
- UK specific templates
- FA Junior 11v11 u13/14
- FA Junior 11v11 u15/16 and 18+
- FA Junior 9v9
- FA Junior 7v7
- FA Junior 5v5
- DBU 9v9 COVID-19 edition
- JPN 8-man field
- Route to reduce tracking wet paint
- Set "Select driving pattern" to "Quality"
- Quality driving pattern increases operational time
- 11v11 includes 2in1
- Add media line to both sides
- Set "Position of media line and boxes" to "Media Lines both sides"
- Option to set unit for "Offset of center of penalty arc"
- Upper and lower cutoff
- Renaming Large Box Arc to Penalty Arc
- Futsal - Change radius when "Shape of penalty area" is set to Semicircle
# Social distance circles and rectangles
- Social distance circles and rectangles - Add number to each enclosure
# Stars
- Plan for creating stars
- Use the Polygon plan
- Select "Draw polygon as a star"
# Plan bug fixes
- Baseball - Wrong distance to bases from apex
- Baseball - Wrong distance from apex to pitcher´s rubber
- Softball - Wrong distance to bases from apex
- Softball - Batter´s line were set to on (which caused lines to be painted between the batter´s boxes)
- Gaelic 13+20+45m are 5cm off from end line
- Futsal - Goal arcs not the same in both ends
- Womens Lacrosse - field is not centered on both ends
- Soccer 9v9 - penalty arc resize issues
- Soccer - penalty spots not equal length if marked as a cross
- Soccer - Fixed posts causing field to skew incorrectly
- Soccer 2x1 - Mid and outline is combined
- Soccer - Cut-off doesn´t work for outline
- Soccer Fixed Posts - Goal collision w. media line enabled
- Soccer Fixed Posts - Overshooting Small and Large boxes against outline
- Soccer US 7v7 - Goal collision when doing penalty arc/boxes
- Discus/Javelin/Shotput - Changing yards as unit and plan will not load
# Logos
- University Of Leeds
- Mudsock Youth Soccer
- City Of Corinth
- City Of Provo
- Aalborg Boldklub
- Nottingham Forest
- RJ Reynolds High School