# USB Diagnostics
This section describes how to use our USB Diagnostics feature in case we have to troubleshoot a problem that is not easily solved or cannot be solved by recording a normal datalog.
1. Download the diagnostics file.
naming conventions
For the robot can read the diagnostics file from your USB Dongle, the file has to be named inmark-update.tar.gz.cpt - exactly the same as when updating the robot. If the file is named differently, rename it to the above.
The approach for running the diagnostics script is exactly the same as installing an update with the exception that the process takes longer.
2. Insert the USB Dongle into an USB Port on your computer.
3. Ease any file that the USB Dongle may contain.
4. Copy the diagnostics to file onto the empty USB dongle.
5. Eject the USB Dongle before removing it.
Failing to properly eject the USB Dongle might prevent the robot from reading its contents.
5. Attach the USB Dongle to the USB Adapter.
6. Insert a Battery into the Turf Tank One.
7. Turn ON the Main Switch.
8. Turn the key to ON position.
9. When the Indicator Light is blinking insert the USB Dongle with USB Adapter into the USB Port on the Control Unit.
10. The Indicator Light will now turn OFF.
11. After a couple of minutes the Indicator Light will turn ON Again.
wait for logging to complete
We strongly recommend that you leave the diagnostics running for 5 minutes before removing the USB Dongle.
12. Remove the USB Dongle from the Control Unit.
13. Insert the USB Dongle into an USB Port on your computer.
14. Copy the diagnostics file to your computer.
copy the correct file
The diagnostics file (log) is called diagnostics.tar.gz
15. Email the diagnostics file to your Turf Tank representative.